Ryan was awarded the Golden Lion Award for Best First time Director by the London Film Awards for his work on The Weirdo Hero.
A great honour to be sure.
Ryan was awarded the Golden Lion Award for Best First time Director by the London Film Awards for his work on The Weirdo Hero.
A great honour to be sure.
Great news. We have been awarded a production grant of $10,000 to shoot a short film. The film that we wrote is called homeowner, and stars the amazingly talented Briana Buckmaster as our lead. The story is about Mary who purchases he new home and moves in, only to find the house haunted by the spirit of someone who isn't even dead.... yet.
We have lock a location, and the crew is assembled and we go to picture in early January. The turn around for the film is less then a month after we shoot, so its going to be a hectic rush.
With on 10 mins of film I think we should be able to do it.
Our little film The Weirdo Hero is now an award winning film. Thanks to the Top Indie Film Awards for the honours of these awards and nominations.
The movie is finished and on Aug31 we had the official first screening of The Weirdo Hero for friends, family and most importantly all the crew and cast who dedicated their time.
The movie came out pretty great. The sound guys did amazing work on the post sound, and the musical score. I couldn't be happier with that. After the film we had a panel with the cast. Lots of good questions were asked.
The turn out was great, we had about 250-300 people there and they all seemed to really enjoy the film.
Now its time to start putting the movie into festivals.
Here is an interview that Ryan did with the guys over at supernatural the crossroads. They talk about vfx on the show.
Here is the teaser trailer for our movie the weirdo hero.
The short film is expected to hit the festival circuit in 2015/16
Ryan Curtis directed
starring Theo Francon.