Deep in Post Production on Brewstars

The clock is ticking and we are more then half way through Post Production on our webseries pilot Brewstars. 

Filming went fantastic and we nailed everything I wanted in 1.5 days which worked out perfectly. It all went pretty flawlessly actually. The only regret being that we should have ordered 10 pizza's like my Producer wanted instead of 7 like I suggested. Oh well. No one went totally hungry. 

The pilot is good, I am happy with it, and wouldn't really change much if I had the opportunity. I got all the coverage I wanted and everyone did a great job in their performances. 

Can I just talk about my cast for a second. Fantastic and fun people, there were so many jokes, and so much laughing it was super fun positive experience for everyone. So glad they agreed to do it, and hope we get to make more. 

Here is a little teaser